


David and co-author, Jeff Procter-Murphy, published their fist book together in 2012: “Living the Questions, the Wisdom of Progressive Christianity.”

David is a regular contributor to, the legacy project honoring the work of Bishop John Shelby Spong. You can sign up for this weekly newsletter HERE

You can find David’s writing for HuffPost on Columbus Day, Valentines Day, the Virgin Birth, and other topics where theology and public life intersect:

David is a regular contributor to the Progressing Spirit blog. You can find his articles here.

Circuit Rider January/February 2007: “Believers in Exile; a Gift from the Margins?”

Shall the Fundamentalists Win?

One of the most influential sermons in David’s life has been Harry Emerson Fosdick’s “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” – first preached in 1922.  Posting “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” on the websites of the churches he’s served has been an effective outreach tool.  After reading the sermon, many have reported thinking, “If that’s what they preach at this church, then I can go to church again!”  Not bad for a sermon that’s nearly 100 years old! To read the sermon (reproduced here with permission), Click HERE.